
For the Toasts
  • 4 slices of fresh baguette
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • kosher salt to season
For the Avocado
  • ½ avocado, pit, and skin removed
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • kosher salt to season


To Finish

  • Royal Caviar
  • fresh pistachios as needed
  • cilantro leaves, or another fresh herb

For the Toasts

  1. Heat a medium saute pan over medium heat and add the olive oil. Add the baguette slices and toast them in the olive oil until golden brown, approximately one minute on each side.
  2. Remove to a towel-lined plate and lightly season


For the Avocado

  1. Place the ½ avocado in a small mixing bowl and add the lime juice and generous pinch of salt. Using a fork, smash the avocado until smooth. Adjust seasoning with additional salt and lime to taste.
  2. Chill until ready for use.


To Assemble

  1. Spoon a generous spoonful of the avocado puree onto each toast and spread evenly.
  2. Using a Microplane, grate the pistachios over the toast in a dense, even layer.
  3. Generously spoon the caviar over the top of each toast and finish with the cilantro or fresh herbs.